Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • J. Leifer was a member of the Program Committee of JFLA'11.

  • J.-J. Lévy is director of the Microsoft Research-INRIA Joint Centre, see http://msr-inria.inria.fr .

  • J.-J. Lévy is member of the Scientific Committee of the “Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris” and participates to corresponding meetings and juries.

  • J.-J. Lévy is member of the Program Committee of Digiteo as representative of INRIA–Paris-Rocquencourt.

  • L. Maranget is elected member of the INRIA Comité technique paritaire. He participates to one meeting every two months, discussing about the politics of Inria at the highest level.

  • L. Maranget is president of CUMIR-R Commission des utilisateurs des moyens informatiques de Rocquencourt-Recherche.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli is member of the Comité Directeur of the CEA-EDF-INRIA summer schools.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli is the correspondent of the Équipes associates MM.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli is member of the comité de suivi doctoral de l'INRIA Saclay.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli served in the POPL 2012 PC. He attended the PC meeting on September, 29-2 at U. Maryland, USA.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli organised the POPL PC Workshop.

  • January 11, F. Zappa Nardelli served in Nataliya Guts PhD Jury.

  • K. Bhargavan and J. Leifer organised the security seminar series. Leifer continued in 2011 with a series of talks by invited researchers: 11-01 (Graham Steel, Nataliya Guts), 09-03 (François Dupressoir), 15-03 (David Cadé), 28-04 (Nikhil Swamy), 01-06 (Kristin Lauter).